Breakthrough Bootcamp Holding Deposit Only

$1,000.00 Inc GST

4 Day Breakthrough Bootcamp – Hold your seat for 48 Hours

  • Get connected to other like minded people who are on the same journey and are actually out there doing it. These people could be your next joint venture partner, accountability buddy, or more. Everyone is of high calibre, because they are all paying a good chunk of change to be there. They are not your average Joe off the street. 
  • Our high-end mastermind students will also be there, they invest $35K a year to be in the mastermind, and they will be in the room. You can network and potentially JV with them.
  • Expanding your mind of what is actually possible. When you see other deals that people are doing in real life, it gives perspective on how much more and bigger deals you can do.
  • All of it is real; this is not a theory class at UNI, it’s first hand at the coal face sessions like big time developers and investors do.  


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4 Day Breakthrough Bootcamp holding Deposit of $1000 – 48 Hours

1 Ticket

Day 1 Presentations

  • Access to a known A team of experts to help them. Bring in the team to share their knowledge: lawyers, funder, accountant, town planner, engineer, agent/property manager, buyers agent who will give presentations and you can ask questions of. 
  • You will be connected to these people not only at the event but also you can talk with them after the event. 
  • These are our trusted team, who we have been working with for years, and we know they know their stuff. 
  • This sets the context for the next 3 days and as we go on tour because it gets you thinking differently about everything you will see on the bus and in the workshop. 
  • Dinner together as a group.


Day 2 Bus Trip

  • You will see multiple projects at different stages and Melissa will talk through the whole process of each one. 
  • Some are our deals, some student deals, some are on the market deal (why buy it and why not, what strategy would you use if this was your next deal)
  • Talking through the planning process on the bus, how it was purchased, how it was funded, the stages of development, WHY even do this deal at all. 
  • You will have time to ask any questions about how things relate to your own projects


Day 3 Full Workshop Day

  • Where are you now?
  • What did you get out of the last 2 days
  • Create a full scope for your next project, what asset class, how to fund it, the strategy to use.
  • Feasibilities
  • Scenarios you need to work through, real deal simulations for feasibilities. 
  • Role playing different scenarios and how to negotiate to get what you want. 
  • Dinner as a group


Day 4 Full Workshop Day

  • More feasibilities
  • How to do no money down deals
  • Who we need to speak to, where to find them, and language around the conversations.
  • Joint ventures
  • Drinks and networking in the afternoon



  • New funding strategies so you can do more deals and not be limited by the amount of money in your bank account.
  • How to get into more deals without putting money down. 
  • Answers to all your biggest (and smallest) questions 
  • want more confidence 
  • Get connected to other like minded people who are on the same journey and are actually out there doing it. These people could be your next joint venture partner, accountability buddy, or more. Everyone is of high calibre, because they are all paying a good chunk of change to be there. They are not your average Joe off the street. 
  • Our high-end mastermind students will also be there, they invest $35K a year to be in the mastermind, and they will be in the room. You can network and potentially JV with them.
  • Expanding your mind of what is actually possible. When you see other deals that people are doing in real life, it gives perspective on how much more and bigger deals you can do.
  • All of it is real; this is not a theory class at UNI, it’s firsthand at the coal face sessions like big time developers and investors do.  


  • We take you out to dinner for 2 nights
  • Lunch every day


  • Your laptop 
  • Note pads
  • Pens, coloured markers 
  • Open mind



  • Date: 17th to 20th October – Thursday Morning to Sunday Evening
  • Time: 8am start for bus trip, room will open 8:30 am each morning for a 9am start each other day
  • Starting and ending in the same location


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